“Black Mirror,” spanning Seasons 1 to 6, is renowned for its anthology format exploring the dark and often dystopian impacts of modern technology on society. Beginning with Season 1’s provocative episodes like “The National Anthem” and “Fifteen Million Merits,” the series delves into themes of social satire and the human condition. Season 2 continues with chilling tales such as “White Bear” and “The Waldo Moment,” delving into identity and political manipulation. Season 3 introduces episodes like “Nosedive” and “San Junipero,” exploring virtual reality and artificial intelligence, while Season 4 ventures into dark humor and moral dilemmas with episodes like “USS Callister” and “Black Museum.” Season 5 explores themes of virtual reality gaming and social media addiction, with episodes like “Striking Vipers” and “Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too.” Throughout its run, “Black Mirror” has left a profound impact, sparking discussions on technology’s ethical implications and garnering critical acclaim for its innovative storytelling and cultural relevance.